Get to Know Shanna Lewis, North’s New Principal
Lewis working at her desk
September 10, 2021
This school year St. Charles North High School welcomed a new principal. Shanna M. Lewis started in her new position on July 1. The Stargazer sat down with her recently for a Q&A:
Where have you worked previously?
“Most recently, I was at Lyons Township High School, which is in Western Springs in La Grange and I was at the freshmen-sophomore campus, which is considered South Campus. And then prior to that I worked in the Naperville schools for about 23 years, where I was a high school social studies teacher and Dean at the high school, and I was also a middle school assistant principal for a while.”
What made you want to be a principal?
“I think it was always kind of a goal of mine, just because I like helping people and supporting people and that includes kids, staff, parents, just trying to be the person who can give them all the resources they need to be the best student, the best parent and the best teacher.”
What has been your favorite thing about working in education?
“The people for sure. Just listening to stories, watching kids persevere through some difficult times, watching kids be able to celebrate some successes and share in those moments, working with fantastic staff who’s really committed to doing their best for the kids. I always was one of those kids who loved school and I realized not everybody did so I think that was one of those things I wanted to try to figure out: a way to have it be a positive experience for everybody.”
What has been your favorite thing about North so far?
“Honestly just really how welcoming and supportive everybody is. I mean, everybody– kids, parents staff–are really just committed to doing what’s best for kids and figuring that out. I love interacting with the students and just waving and saying hi, and seeing all the successes that they have, so definitely the people.”
Why has it been important to you to speak on the announcements every morning?
“I think it’s important for kids to have a voice and to know that we’re here for them and to make some connection. I missed being in the classroom. But I just want them to know that I’m here and that there’s a voice connected to that and hopefully be able to kind of make the school a little bit smaller.”

Fun Facts about Principal Lewis:
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite restaurant?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite book?
“The Three Musketeers.”
What is your favorite place to travel to?
My family lives on the east coast in Virginia and my dad lives on a lake and it’s just a really nice place to go and relax, so right now it’s probably Virginia.
What is your favorite song?
“Take Me Home Country Roads” by John Denver.
What is your favorite movie?
“Shawshank Redemption.”
What is your favorite thing to do when you have a free day?
Go to sporting events or read.
What is your favorite school subject?
American government or U.S. history.
What is your favorite season?
What is the next place on your travel bucket list?
Probably Hawaii. I have not yet been. I’ve actually been to 42 of the 50 states.