Girls Tennis Sends Two Players to State

Maddie Chaggaris and Alli Gizewicz at the state match
November 12, 2021
On Oct. 16, Maddie Chaggaris and Alli Gizewicz, both sophomores and varsity players, won tennis sectionals and advanced to state as singles players.
This came after girls tennis had a successful season as a team at their regular season matches.
“We did really well at our weekend tournaments. We won a lot of them. We only lost one match our whole season,” said Chaggaris.
They also did well at conference as a team.
“We placed second, and we only lost to Batavia for conference,” said Gizewicz.
Chaggaris and Gizewicz were the only two girls from the whole team to advance past sectionals. Chaggaris placed third and Gizewicz placed fourth at sectionals as individuals. Those scores qualified them to compete at state on Oct. 21. They also played well throughout the season and won many of their matches.
“I won a few tournaments. And I won conference for first singles, and then I qualified for state,” said Gizewicz.

Chaggaris struggled with an injury throughout the season, but was still able to have a successful season and qualify for state.
“[The season] went pretty well. I was injured. I had bicep tendonitis. So it was really hard to play because it hurt my arm a lot, so I just had to kind of fight through that,” said Chaggaris.
While neither girl made it past the first round of state, both are happy with what they accomplished this season.
“I’m happy that I went to state, and I’m happy that I qualified and I got to go because a lot of the girls who were there were some of the best in the state, and even though I didn’t necessarily do the best, it was an honor,” said Chaggaris.
They both are looking forward to playing next year and hoping to get back to the state competition.
“Next year I’d like to win conference and win sectionals and make it back to state,” says Gizewicz.