Future Freshman Athletics and Activities Night Returns to In-Person

Lindsay Boynton

Team Polaris members teach students the Project Dance morale dance at Future Freshman Athletics and Activities Information Night two years ago.

Kam Kelly, Opinions Editor

The Future Freshman Athletics and Activities Information Night will be held on Feb. 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. at North. The event is a chance for incoming freshmen to explore involvement opportunities in high school and to meet coaches and advisers. 

The event is organized by Daniel Dolney, North’s athletic director, and Melinda Roberts, the Assistant Principal for Student Life. 

According to Dolney, the goal is “for kids to start to make a connection to some of our coaches and teachers… and start to get excited about becoming a freshman next year.” 

During the event, students and their parents will have the chance to talk to coaches for sports of all seasons. Being aware of upcoming opportunities can help freshmen get involved in various activities during their first year of high school. 

“You get here in August, you got so much stuff going on in August, and then it’s Homecoming and your mind is all over. But if you come in knowing, like ‘I was interested in this, I gotta stay on the lookout for this,’ you’re more apt to get involved,” Dolney said. 

Then-sophomores Molly Heaton and Megan McGuire stand at the Ambassadors table at the last in-person Future Freshman Athletics and Activities Night in February 2020. (Lindsay Boynton)

Getting students involved in extracurricular programs, such as clubs, sports teams and theater is valued so highly that this event is separate from the first Future Freshman Night, which focused solely on academic opportunities. Having two nights for students and their parents to get acquainted with North allows more time for incoming freshmen to “meet coaches face-to-face, advisers face-to-face, and most importantly, meet students who are involved in those sports and clubs. They can talk with them… about their experiences and why they might want to get involved,” Roberts said. 

Roberts stressed the importance of future freshmen meeting and making connections with students who are already involved in extracurriculars so they can have a more personal experience and hear firsthand what it’s like being involved at North. 

Although this event has occurred every winter for years, this one is going to look different as it adapts to COVID-19 protocols. Apart from last year’s virtual event, typically all students and parents meet in the auditorium to start and move from area to area on a timed schedule. However, this year the layout will be more relaxed. “You can move at your own pace… you could really see everything that North has to offer, and I think that’s fantastic,” Dolney said. Various organizations will have stations set up in hallways. The event will be split into two phases: the first hour, 6-7 p.m., will be for families with last names that begin with the letters A-L. The second hour, 7-8 p.m., will be for families with last names that begin with M-Z.