Three North Students Host a Podcast
The podcast talks about a variety of topics picked by the guests.
April 15, 2022
Three North students run a podcast on Spotify which they post new episodes of every Thursday. The podcast was started by juniors Emily Watanapongse and Ella Roth and senior Celia D’Agostino.
The three decided to start a podcast because they wanted to have a way to look back on fun conversations and share them with the world. They started recording in January and have made ten episodes and a trailer for the podcast since. Most episodes are recorded remotely using Anchor, a podcast-making platform owned by Spotify.
“All of the podcast is edited in Anchor,” said Roth. “I can cut things and add art, music and sound effects.”
Most episodes of the podcast feature one of the hosts’ friends, who decides topics for the episode. The hosts do not know these topics until they meet to record.
“[Not knowing in advance] makes it easier to get genuine reactions to the topics,” said D’Agostino.
Having organic interactions on the podcast helps the hosts learn more about each other and their guests.
“My favorite topic was what did you like as a kid,” said Roth. “It showed that we are all really similar in some ways but at the same time very different in other ways.”
The hosts try to record episodes as far in advance as possible, as editing can take two to three hours for their longer episodes. They also need to find time to record in between sports and other activities and coordinate with guests.
“Coordinating times is the main challenge right now,” said Watanapongse. “So many people have different schedules and we have crazy schedules too.
The hosts recently decided to start making shorter “bites” episodes which do not feature guests. These episodes are easier to schedule and less time-consuming. They believe that the shorter episodes also make the podcast more convenient to listen to.
“We wanted to make [the episodes] shorter so people could maybe listen to them on their drive to school,” said D’Agostino.
Celia D'Agostino • Apr 22, 2022 at 12:09 pm
If you would like to find more information on the podcast feel free to contact one of the hosts (me, Emily, or Ella) by searching any of our names in gmail!