“The Drowsy Chaperone” Arrives at North

A poster advertising "The Drowsy Chaperone" hangs at North

Bridget Nelis

A poster advertising “The Drowsy Chaperone” hangs at North

Makella Wallace, Staff Writer

This year’s spring musical, “The Drowsy Chaperone,” will be performed in the St. Charles North auditorium April 21-24, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and at 2:00 p.m. Sunday.

The show follows the life of one particular man.

“A lonely middle-aged man shares his love of the hilarious farce called ‘The Drowsy Chaperone.’ The action onstage is what’s going on in his imagination as he listens to the music and shares his knowledge and feelings with the audience,” said Michael Molloy, one of the directors of the musical.

The rehearsal process for a show this large is a lot of work, even with so many people helping out. Over 80 students have participated in the rehearsal process this year, whether they’re on stage, in the orchestra or working behind the scenes. 

“There are about seven weeks of after school practice for singing and instrumentals, [along with] evening rehearsals for actors and dancers,” said Molloy. “Then after school every day for the last two weeks, [we had] everyone together in the auditorium putting it all together. Putting on a Broadway musical is a tremendous amount of work. Thousands of combined hours.”

There have been no limitations while rehearsing due to COVID-19, but usual scheduling conflicts still popped up throughout the rehearsal process, such as people not being able to attend all rehearsal sessions. Despite this, Molloy and his crew have enjoyed every minute of their hard work and practice together.

[The best part is] being together with the students everyday and watching them grow as performers. Tech week is the best when all the different parts- singers, dancers, actors, musicians, sets, sound and lighting all come together,” said Molloy.

 Their dedication has led to a very successful and impressive setup on stage.

[It’s going to look] like a Broadway show. Sets, lights, singing, dancing, a live orchestra and an airplane,” said Molloy. “Our students have a great love for this genre and work very hard at their craft.”

Along with Mr. Molloy and all of the hardworking students, there are other adults who have enjoyed helping out in this process: Konnie Sherry (co-director and choreographer), Bill Sherry (co-director), Andy Masters (pit orchestra), Joe Pietrie (tech) and Ryan Colton (production).

All of their hard work will pay off as the audience gets to enjoy this two hour musical, an intermission included. A total of 2000 audience members are expected to attend the performance.

Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for adults and free for senior citizens. They are available online.