If you ask a little kid what they want to do when they grow up, they’ll probably have an answer for you. Whether it’s an astronaut or a unicorn tamer, they’re already thinking about their future. Throughout middle school, students are told they are being prepared for high school. Then, high school is the final preparation for “the real world.” Growing up, many students have fantasies of living by themselves – no parents telling them what to do. Young adults yearn for independence, so used to the pressure from parents and teachers. So why is it that seniors at North High School, and all over the United States, have been opting for children’s backpacks the past few years?
When I was in first grade, I wanted a “Sofia the First,” backpack so bad. It was at Target on the highest shelf and I begged and begged my parents for it. I didn’t even like the show that much, but I heard the popular girls talking about it. My parents, wise as they were, told me no and got me a practical backpack. That backpack ended up lasting me a lot longer than a kid’s backpack. This experience is going to directly contribute to my participation in this fun trend.
These backpacks range from Lightning McQueen from Cars to Disney Princess backpacks, a myriad of pastel colors and cartoon drawings. The most obvious insight into why they do this is simply to have fun. Seniors are in their last year of high school before they have to face the hardships of living on their own. These backpacks can be one of the simple pleasures they get to enjoy. In high school, it is easy to feel like you’re constantly being judged. As a senior, this feeling can fade. It can be a freeing activity to wear something nostalgic that they would otherwise be judged for. It can also be seen as just a fun tradition. Being an upperclassman is exciting, and it gives you privileges like participating in trends such as this. Senior year can seem bittersweet; it’s a last chance to be with all of your friends before you start your life. Events like football games and homecoming are big things to say goodbye, but these backpacks are a little more permanent.
They are about to leave behind everything they know and enter an entire new world. It makes sense they want to enjoy simpler concepts. Though many students can feel school is too stressful at times, this is all they’ve known. Reminiscing about their childhoods, they regress. Childhood can seem like a safe haven compared to the worlds of stress these seniors face. It is almost an act of reclaiming the peace they once had.

Despite the many reasons for these backpacks, I believe they are a perfect example of what we as a society need to continue. No matter how old you get, you should never be ashamed of your inner child. We all need to embrace having fun and goofy sometimes. Taking pleasure in simple joys like this keeps people happy, which I personally love. I absolutely adore when I see an old couple or even just adults embracing childish habits.
Regardless, this senior backpack trend is fun for everyone involved, whether that be the seniors themselves or the people walking behind them in the hallway. Seriously, many teachers have brought up how it makes them smile when they see the backpacks, and I know I always giggle when I’m faced with one. Seniors: no matter your reasoning, keep going with these lovely backpacks. Juniors: better start picking your backpacks out soon!