Many Americans became part of a nationwide panic when their precious TikTok got banned. Unable to doomscroll, many people felt unsure of what to do with themselves. Although Tiktok was given 75 more days to live, would it be so bad if it were actually gone?
In an age of technology and social media, many people spend a lot of their time scrolling through random videos. As of 2024, the average American spent two hours and 14 minutes per day on social media. As is the nature of social media, it sucks users in without them even realizing how much time they’re actually wasting. Additionally, before social media’s availability, people allotted their time to other things, like spending time with friends and family, reading or other hobbies.
Society could go back towards face-to-face communication and hanging out instead of simply spending time on phones. Face-to-face connection can strengthen bonds and relationships, and without the time-sucking barrier of Tiktok, this could be much more plausible than it is now.
Many people no longer have hobbies to fill their time since it is being sucked away by short-form videos. They no longer make simple crafts or read books to fill time. Doomscrolling replaces making some jewelry or writing a fun story. Perhaps a forced reduction in internet usage could transition many back to finding stimulating hobbies because they will be forced to feel bored and do something about it. They will have to learn to seek stimulation in ways other than repeated dopamine hits.
Another major benefit of a TikTok ban would be more accurate news. Lots of misinformation gets spread through social media, especially TikTok. Since it is super quick and easy to look through, people do not tend to fact check information before telling someone else, spreading lots of misinformation in the long run. People will have to get news from more trustworthy sources like reputable newspapers and news stations.
Of course, there are downfalls to getting rid of TikTok. Many creators use the platform to share quality content and make a living through the app, and its removal could cause many difficulties for them. However, the benefits still outweigh the negatives, as multiple other platforms can also be used for this purpose. If a creator is liked enough, their viewers will follow them to a different platform.
Furthermore, it’s likely that if TikTok is banned, new alternatives will arise. For example, when people started to distrust Elon Musk and stop using X, Bluesky became popular due to its similar format. TikTok is not the only platform that will ever support this type of content. Whether users flock to other social media platforms to get their fill or a new alternative is created, solutions will exist.
While no avid TikTok user desires a ban, it is important to see how it could be positive. If the ban does end up becoming permanent, people will have to understand the good that could come of it. Instead of thinking about it as the end of a good thing, it can be viewed as a new beginning.