On Feb. 7, the SCN Variety Show was canceled unceremoniously through a brief email announcement citing a lack of interest from the wider student body. Coming after weeks of reminder emails and a promotional video, it is hard not to feel some sense of disappointment. After such promotion, this is how it ends?
Something has to be said about the apparent lack of interest among North’s general populace that prompted this cancellation. For a school noted for its thriving art and music communities, it would only make sense that at least a considerable percentage of North’s undeniably talented students would be willing to share their talents with the general school populace. But still, that did not occur, even with the promise of a school-wide platform.
The variety show lacks a strong tradition, though; it is effectively a revival of the long-dead SCN Superstar, which was last held in 2023. Though that competition was relatively well-attended, its performers were exclusively seniors and juniors, and it simply seems as though younger students are not interested in the showmanship required to star in a talent show.
On a more societal level, the failure could be chalked up as a simple hesitancy to stand out in the younger generation overall. When I asked people about whether or not they would have participated in the variety show, the most common answer was also a question: What would I do? The kind of talents that were featured in SCN Superstar — stand-up comedy, rapping, beatboxing — were odd and niche for a suburban high school, thereby making them stand out and become more memorable.
But I think the real reason younger students do not seem to care runs a bit deeper: There is no infrastructure. With the average club or extracurricular activity, there are social circles and preexisting friend groups which make entry considerably less daunting. A variety show, with the self-contained nature of being an act in participation, can be unwelcoming to someone who is not already massively confident with their talent.
So is the solution more promotional videos? More reminder emails? I actually think the solution lies not in broad strokes but more with personal connections. In years past, the variety shows contestants were often friends already familiar with each other, so perhaps it would prove more fruitful to make an effort to concentrate on convincing closely knit friend groups who would support and encourage each other through this kind of public showcase. While this strategy may conflict with the wide net that was attempted to be cast with this last show, it would at the very least keep the show important among at least some number of people.
Now, of course, this is a big ask. Teenagers are busy, and many classes have little leeway for their student’s time, but at the very least, maybe some talented people out there, with similarly talented friends, could make an effort for a fun activity? It might not make a resume, but at the very least, it makes high school a bit more fun in memories.
Subhaan Khan • Mar 17, 2025 at 9:30 am
Wow! Great!