Club Attendance Bounces Back


Laure Schulders

Key Club meets in-person again after virtual meetings last year

Laure Schulders and Jei Jandura

Club advisers have been working hard to promote club attendance in several ways following the attendance drop last year during the pandemic.

“Last year, we didn’t really have much participation at all. We worked very hard to still have clubs and activities available to students remotely at this time of year. But it was difficult for some advisers to have consistent attendance,” said Melinda Roberts, Assistant Principal for Student Life.

Meeting online made it more difficult for students to get involved in clubs and foster relationships.

“That was a little bit more difficult when it came to COVID because we were so separated. It was a completely virtual club. So now that we’re able to be in person again, it’s getting a little bit easier,” said Sue Schiller, RENGA adviser.

With the return of in-person club meetings, advisers have noticed an increase in attendance.

“There are some students that are absolutely ready to get going and to spend time with people and to get involved,” said Roberts.

Posters line the hallways advertising clubs (Laure Schulders)

Many students are showing an interest in joining clubs, so advisers have been coming up with ways to get the word out.

“We’ve primarily done it through word of mouth, posters, and announcements,” said Joe Pietrie, Tech Club adviser. 

Several clubs have put up flyers on bulletin boards or gotten slides on the televisions around the school to promote themselves.

“Mainly it’s just people who know people and then bring people,” said Schiller, bringing up a method of recruiting that was limited last year. Word of mouth is reliant upon students’ ability to talk face-to-face.

“We haven’t had as much class time, especially last year, so we haven’t been able to [rely on word of mouth],” said Pietrie. 

Clubs have also had to adjust to a more online world, especially during the pandemic.

“The majority of us have our phones on us at all times,” said Simone Wright, freshman and art club member. 

Clubs have done this through making videos and posting on social media.

“That’s been the biggest change, is trying to get more media savvy,” said Pietrie.

North also hosts a variety of club resources, including a flyer wall outside the College and Career Readiness Office and a Club Spreadsheet on the North website featuring every club and their meeting information.

The Club Flyer wall sits outside the College and Career Readiness Office

“We’ve expanded the way that we promote and the way that we publicize, to better meet the various needs of students,” said Roberts.

With so many options available, advisers and members alike encourage everyone to participate.

“There’s so many different ways that you can learn about clubs and get yourself informed that really there’s no reason not to,” said Wright.